Medikuei irakasten noiz gelditzeko

%A %B %e%q, %Y in Humanizazioa, Osatzetik Arintzera

KnowWhenToStop Diane E. Meier geriatra eta zainketa aringarrietako aditua da, AEBetan erreferentea eta ibilbide luzekoa, artikulu eta argitalpen ugariren egilea, New Jersey eta New York aldean lan egiten duena. Egun hauetan, lankide batek konpartitu du nirekin mediku honek idatzitako artikulu bat, orain dela urte batzuk “The Washington Post”-en argitaratua: “Teaching doctors when to stop treatment”

Uda aldian, gai hauxe hartuta testu bat blogeratu nuen, zuhurtzia terapeutikoaz, beste liburu baten aipamena eginez eta ahalegin diagnostikoa eta terapeutikoaren murrizteaz, odol-transfusioetan ardaztuta. Orain, urria amaitzen eta lehenengo elurtea ondoren, momentu ona da gaian sakontzeko. Meierren artikuluan, hauskortasun eta heriotzaren aurrean lankide askoren ezina ederki islatzen du. Eta beste eredu bat planteatzen du: Gutxiago egitea gehiago egitea denean. Entzutea garrantzitsuagoa denean hitz egitea baino. Neurgarriak diren parametroetatik arreta desbideratzen dugunean arlo ukiezinera, emozioetara, bizitzaren amaieran garrantzitsuak diren gauzetara. Zientzia versus humanismoa, hitz batean.

“New doctors should learn about the management of symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, fatigue and depression, with intensive training on doctor-patient communication: how to relay bad news, how to stand with patients and their families until death and how to help patients and families make the best use of their remaining time together”.

Izan ere, Meier saiatzen da ulertzen zergatik lankide asko tematzen dira probak eskatzen eta tratamenduak ipintzen:

“Why so many of my colleagues persisted in ordering tests, procedures and treatments that seemed to provide no benefit to patients and even risked harming them”.

Onkologo honen arrazoia:

“The oncologist  told me that he didn’t want the patient to think he was abandoning her”.

Pazientearen ikuspuntua:

“And yet the only sense in which she felt abandoned was in her oncologist’s unwillingness to talk with her about what would happen when treatment stopped working”.

Zer dago funtsean?

“Though the patient sounded slightly irritated, I thought about how many such losses he had experienced in his oncology practice and how painful and distressing the prospect of this patient’s death might feel to him”.

Amaitu, zorionez, ondo bukatu zen:

“Toward the end of her life, the patient told me she wanted to thank her oncologist and say goodbye. He had not visited a patient at home before, but he agreed to go. She thanked him for his amazing care and for giving her so many good years after her lung cancer was diagnosed. After that visit, she lived only a few more days”.

Eskerrik asko, Pedro.

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